We follow Covid-19 public health guidelines. Read more about the “Safe to Visit” badge here.
We are glad to open up our new website to the world! Fríða Kaffihús is more than a café; it is a food experience and storytelling café, where guests will feel the culture of the Northern Faroe Islands.
The café is named after the first ship built by the Faroese people. It was pioneer Nólsoyar Páll that had Royndin Fríða made, 250 years ago. Royndin Fríða was built illegally and in hiding. Today it is recognized to have had great significance for the Faroese people.
The café is located on Klaksvík’s main road, and on the other side of the café is the beach with a great view over the village and the bay. This is where Royndin Fríða laid duck in between trips to Europe.
From the balcony, you have a great view of Nólsoyar Páll and his family’s home and boathouses. These are now being rebuilt and restored as museums and monuments.
The café is run by a strong team, and the staff is friendly, well trained, and always willing to chat and share local stories with guests.
Fríða Kaffihús welcomed its first guests on the 1st of March 2014. It was founded and still runs by Mimmy Vágsheyg.

Heilar kakur kunnu bíleggjast á heimasíðuni og avheintast í Fríðu Kaffihúsi.
Vit eru klár at veita lekkrar kakur til næsta føðingardagin, brúdleypið ella eitt hvørt høvi. Vit brúka føroysku vørurnar frá MBM til allar kakurnar, og summar av kakunum fáast uttan gluten. Hetta sæst í frágreiðingini um kakuna. Fríða Kaffihús kann ikki tryggja 100%, at kakurnar eru heilt glutenfríar, tí allar kakur eru gjørdar í sama køki.

Fríða Kaffihús offers a diverse menu with loads of different dishes and beverages. We love supporting local providers that sell vegetables, fruits, meat, and fish. The soup of the day is where our kitchen staff is expressing creativity and warmth.
It is possible to make gluten-free, lactose-free, vegetarian, and vegan variations of the dishes, cakes, and warm drinks. Ask us, and we will find a solution.
We also offer takeaway in environmentally friendly packaging.
You can reserve a table in Fríða Kaffihús by calling us on +298 333344 or writing us on frida@frida.fo. The chances are higher to meet your request when you book a day or two beforehand.
The reservation is not complete before you have received a confirmation from our staff.
CAPACITY: Fríða Kaffihús can fit around 20 people inside plus our balcony (apr. 20).
To protect ourselves from false reservations and no-shows, we require that you add your name and a phone number to your booking. We want to remind you that prompt meeting is essential when a table is reserved.
We look forward to welcoming you to Fríða Kaffihús.
More than 8 people? Take a look at Fríða Adventures for more information.

Tørvar tykkum eina máltíð til næsta ævintýrið? Fríða Kaffihús er altíð tilreiðar at borðreiða fyri bólkum av fólki.
Okkara styrki er, at vit koma har, sum tit eru. Tit kunnu annaðhvørt ringja ella skriva og greiða frá, hvørjum høvi maturin skal borðreiðast til. Er tað ein døgurði til limafundin, ein matpakki til fjalltúrin ella ein trýrætta matskrá til eitt polterabend, so eru vit tilreiðar til at finna bestu loysnina.
Lat ævintýrið byrja við at ringja til Mimmy Vágsheyg á tlf. +298 273344 ella við at skriva til frida@frida.fo.
Niðanfyri eru nakrar av okkara vælumtøktu bólkamatskráum.

Mon – Sat, 10am – 7pm
Sunday closed
Fríða Kaffihús // Nólsoyar Pálsgøta 7 // 700 Klaksvík
+298 333344 // frida@frida.fo